Volume 1 (1983-1987)
Title |
Author |
Date Presented |
Preface | Richard B. Baldwin, PDDGM | 14 June 1988 |
Memorial Resolution on Doug Smith | Lloyd U. Jefferson, Stewart Wilson Miner, & Werner Herman Morlock |
29 March 1986 |
Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr. | Allen E. Roberts, PDDGM | 29 January 1983 |
Ho, Companions! | Stewart Wilson Miner, PGM | 30 July 1983 |
Masonry Within the Beltway | Stewart Wilson Miner, PGM | 31 March 1984 |
The First Tool Engineer | George L. Miller, PDDGM | 30 June 1984 |
Freemasonry and the Leaders of Victorian England | George B. Yeates, P.G.C. | 29 September 1984 |
The Two Fold Nature of Freemasonry | Kenneth H. Hooley | 15 December 1984 |
Masonic Ritual in Virginia | Samuel T. Atkinson, PDDGM | 30 March 1985 |
The Masonic Rods and Staffs | C. Richard Walk, PM | 29 June 1985 |
A Declaration for Masonic Action | Kenneth H. Hooley | 30 November 1985 |
The Mason Word | Richard B. Baldwin, PDDGM | 29 March 1986 |
Gen. (Bro) Joshua Chamberlain | Charles W. Plummer | 30 May 1986 |
The Perfect Cubit | Lloyd U. Jefferson, P.G.M. | 30 August 1986 |
Methods of Historical Research | Joseph S. Gordon, Ph.D. | 29 November 1986 |
Masonry and the Constitution | Stewart Wilson Miner, PGM | 29 August 1987 |
The Masonic Witch Hunt of the 1980's | Thomas E. Weir, PM | 31 October 1987 |
Volume 2 (1988-1992)
Title |
Author |
Date Presented |
Masters of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research (1983 – 1992) | Mickey Ander, PDDGM | 20 December 2003 |
Preface | Edwin R. Carpenter, Jr., PM | July 1993 |
Preface to Volume I | Richard B. Baldwin, PDDGM | 14 June 1988 |
Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr. | Allen E. Roberts, PDDGM | 29 January 1983 |
Applied Masonic Research | John P. McIntyre, PDDGM | 30 January 1988 |
A Concise Study of Freemasonry in France | Dr. Claude Harrison Harris | 30 April 1988 |
Change | Cabell F. Cobbs, PGM | 30 July 1988 |
The Legend of Hiram Abif | Jerry Marsengill | 29 October 1988 |
The Office of District Deputy Grand Master | Lloyd U. Jefferson, PGM | 29 April 1989 |
Alpha Lodge No. 116 F. & A.M | J. Hampton Harley, MPS | 16 August 1989 |
Freemasonry and Judaism | Paul M. Bessel, PDDGM | 31 March 1990 |
Charles A. Lindbergh — Man, Mason, American | Dr. Roger M. Firestone, 32° | 30 June 1990 |
The Bible | William Adrian Brown, PDDGM | 15 September 1990 |
Mozart's Other Masonic Opera | Dr. Roger M. Firestone, 32° | 30 March 1991 |
Masonry and Religion | The Rev. Thomas E. Weir, Ph.D. | 31 August 1991 |
The Cradle of the American Revolution | The Alexandria Scottish Rite | 29 August 1992 |
St. John The Baptist | Roger W. Peak, PM | 31 October 1992 |
List of the Members of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research #1949 | Robert H. Wallace, PDDGM | 31 December 1992 |
Volume 3 (1993-1997)
Volume 4 (1998-2001)
Title |
Author |
Date Presented |
Masters of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research (1983 – 2001) |
Mickey Ander, PDDGM | 20 December 2003 |
Preface | Richard K. Thompson, PDDGM | 6 September 2004 |
Editor’s Note | G. William Miller, PM | 2 September 2004 |
History of the Formation of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research | Kwame Acquaah, PM | 20 December 2003 |
Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr. | Allen E. Roberts, PDDGM | 29 January 1983 |
Masonic Titles: Their Use and Misuse | Chris Dains, PDDGM | 30 May 1998 |
Color Symbolism and Freemasonry | John Shroeder, PM | 29 August 1998 |
Masonic Symbols, Physical And Conceptual | Edmund Cohen, PDDGM | 31 October 1998 |
A Call to Action | Edmund Cohen, PDDGM | 19 December 1998 |
Neo-Platonism and the Royal Arch Triple Tau | W. Kirk MacNulty, PM | 30 January 1999 |
The Forgotten Mother of Our Country (Vignette) | William A. Brown, PDDGM | 29 May 1999 |
The Civil War Era (transcribed from a video tape) | Prof. Edward Smith | 29 May 1999 |
Geo. Washington’s Masonic Career (Vignette) | William A. Brown, PDDGM | 31 July 1999 |
Masonic Symbols and Emblems | William A. Brown, PDDGM | 30 October 1999 |
Expose on the Ritual | S. Brent Morris, PM | 30 October 1999 |
Royal Arch of Zerubbabel and the Royal Arch of Solomon (Vignette) | John Shroeder, PM | 29 January 2000 |
How to Conduct Masonic Research | Paul Bessel, PDDGM | 29 January 2000 |
The Murdered Magician (Book Report) | John Shroeder, PM | 29 April 2000 |
The Seventh Sign | Sean O’Neill | 29 April 2000 |
Whither Are We Traveling? | Nelson King, FPS | 24 June 2000 |
Seven Habits of Effective People (Book Report) | John Shroeder, PM | 30 September 2000 |
The Challenges of Past Masters | Donald M. Robey, PGM | 30 September 2000 |
What Does “Free” Mean? (Vignette) | John Shroeder, PM | 16 December 2000 |
The Importance of Research Lodges | Richard E. Fletcher, PDDGM | 16 December 2000 |
Religious Freedom in Early Virginia (Vignette) | John Shroeder, PM | 31 March 2001 |
Changing Times (in “open” session) | John Shroeder, PM | 31 March 2001 |
Fingerprint Based Background Checks To Protect Vulnerable Persons | James Loudermilk, PM | 31 March 2001 |
Using the World Wide Web for Conducting Masonic Research | Paul Newhall, PDDGM | 30 June 2001 |
Lodges in DC and Virginia | Stewart W. Miner, PGM | 29 September 2001 |
Lists of Papers from previous Volumes | G. William Miller, PM | 20 December 2003 |
Volume 5 (2002-2005)
Volume 6 (2006-2009)
Volume 7 (2010-2013)
Title |
Author |
Date Presented |
Masters of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research (1983 – 2009) | Rhey Solomon, PM |
11 November 2013 |
Preface | Philip B. Brooks, PM |
11 November 2013 |
Editor’s Note | J. David King |
16 November 2013 |
History of the Formation of A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research | Kwame Acquaah, PM |
20 December 2003 |
Alfred Douglas Smith, Jr. | Allen E. Roberts, PDDGM |
29 January 1983 |
King Solomon's Pass | Roger Firestone, PM |
18 December 2010 |
The Operatives | Don McAndrews, PM |
29 January 2011 |
Albert Pike – Hero, Scoundrel, or Just Misunderstood? | Michael Pobát, PM |
30 April 2011 |
Health of Lodges in Virginia: Where are we, what do we know | Rhey M. Solomon, PM |
29 October 2011 |
The Book of Ruth | Carl Weaver, PM |
31 March 2012 |
Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry, & Masonry | Don McAndrews, PM |
30 June 2012 |
A Different Sort of Traveler? | Bertrand Schreibstein and Rhey Solomon, PM |
29 September 2012 |
John Marshall-- An Enigma for the Fraternity, a Puzzling Character in Life, An Inspiration to the Country |
Rhey Solomon, PM and David Stanley |
30 March 2013 |
A Presentation on The Bermuda Peppercorn Ceremony | RW Leslie T. Center |
29 June 2013 |
Theodore Roosevelt – A Man of Many Hats | Philip Brooks, PM |
31 August 2013 |
Masonic Music of the 18th Century Tavern | David M. Gardner |
31 November 2013 |
The Quarry Project | Andrew Vellenga |
31 November 2013 |
Lists of Papers from previous Volumes | J. David King |
20 December 2013 |
Appendix A: Masonic Music of the 18th Century Tavern (MP3 format) |
J. David King |
20 December 2013 |
Appendix B: Miscellaneous Photos | J. David King |
20 December 2013 |
Volume 8 (2014-2021)